The Citadel of Roses
Roses, next to the Cap de Creus, is an essentially Mediterranean town with a notable tourist and seafaring tradition. It is situated in a unique natural setting, at the north of the Costa Brava, less than 30 kilometres from the frontier with France, 65 kilometres from Girona and 160 kilometres from Barcelona.A walk around the Citadel is essential for anyone visiting Roses. Declared a historical-artistic complex in 1961, the Citadel contains vestiges of various periods and occupations. The military fortification, with its monumental Sea Gate, is a Renaissance-style enclosure of 131.480 m2 built in 1543. Its interior constitutes an important archaeological site, containing the remains of the Greek town of Rhode, founded in 776 BC by traders from the island of Rhodes; the Hellenistic district, which enjoyed its period of greatest prosperity in the 4th and 3rd C. BC; the Roman villa, dated between the 2nd C. BC and 6th C. AD; the Lombard Romanesque monastery of Santa Maria, from the 11th C.; and discoveries from the 19th C.
The Citadel Museum , el Museu de la Ciutadella de Roses , opened its doors on the 15 th May 2004 with the mission of explaining its history and showing off its treasures. The Museum is divided into four clearly defined areas: site, museum hall, exhibition hall and central atrium, which includes the areas allocated to services, cafeteria, shop, reception and visitors information centre.
Tourist Office
Av. de Rhode, s/n
17480 Roses (Alt Empordà)
Tel: (+34) 972 151 466